The aim of OP is to connect people and foster collaborations. OP recognises the need for practitioners from different disciplines to interact, exchange experiences and ideas. Based on key marine related themes, OP will run monthly online speed networking events designed to provide opportunities for people from science, art, policy, private and public organisations to meet to discuss topics of interest and develop contact networks and possible collaborations.
The networking sessions will begin with a 10 minute introduction to the networking theme and provide you with some tips on how to make the most of the networking session. You will then have the opportunity to meet online with several people for 5-10 minutes to discuss the networking theme and introduce yourself. The platform is designed to randomly introduce individuals, with a view to enabling them to meet people from different disciplines.
Exploring key challenges through different disciplinary lenses is a great way to offer new insights, spark novel ideas and future collaboration!
Fancy being part of this network? Sign up here.
For any further questions please contact and