Published: 28th September 2022
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Welsh Government Research Fellowship
Developing an Outcome and Indicator Framework for Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
Hours of work: Minimum of three days/week on average
Contract: 12-18 months
Application deadline: 14 October 2022
The Welsh Government, Environment and Rural Affairs Strategic Evidence Unit is seeking to recruit a Senior Research Fellow to work with them and Natural Resources Wales to develop an Outcome and Indicator Framework for measuring Wales’ progress on Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR). They are looking for an experienced academic (Senior Research Fellow or similar) with a good track record of working with policy, of applying environmental systems-related work and of working on cross-cutting environmental issues.
The key final outputs from this work will be:
- A proposed list of critical outcomes that should feature in an overarching, systems based assessment of Wales’ progress in delivering in-line with the 4 aims of SMNR.
- Proposed indexes, indicators or metrics for each of the Critical Outcomes, recognising the need to be able to incorporate new indicators as data and more effective analysis makes these available.
- A short, applied report setting out the rationale for the overall approach and for the inclusion of each of the proposed outcomes, and accompanying metrics.
- An accompanying slide/pack and presentation setting-out the proposed approach and justification for it.
This Fellowship appointment process will be managed by Environment Platform Wales on behalf of Welsh Government. Applicants should submit the following documents in response to this research specification to
1. CV and cover letter setting out academic experience
2. Proposed methodology for development of an Outcome-Indicator Framework for assessing SMNR in Wales
3. Project costings and pricing
4. Letter of support from your academic institution